There lived 7 Protectors, each assigned an energetic role in the world.


Helios was one of the Sun’s children and his assignment was to understand what inspires people during his time on Earth.

He quickly understood that most people are happy with little, but all too often they would lose their faith in God during seasons of loss.

As the protector of the Crown chakra, he was tasked with grounding information directly from Source and uplifting humanity through his own unshakeable faith. Helios couldn’t wait for the day all humans stood side by side in total peace and abundance!


Maggie observed the world around her and thought of ways to improve it. Her assignment was to be the Messenger of Imagination!

On days where everything felt repetitive, Maggie thought the world might end… it was precisely then her mind gave birth to new ideas!

As the protector of the Third Eye chakra, she was responsible for connecting the invisible dots and helping humans put the puzzle pieces together, so that they can see the Big Picture better and how every person is a powerful Co-Creator in the master plan.


Sid was brilliant – sometimes his words cut sharp just like his edges, but as the Messenger of Truth he knew he had to trigger some people!

Loyalty, honesty and justice meant the world to Sid. He loved them even more than singing, spoken poetry and sharing his ideas!

As the protector of the Throat chakra, he was the most powerful speaker of them all and he always found himself in the spotlight because of it. His Inner Light was too powerful and so it manifested as a magnetic exterior that captured the attention of millions!


Anna spoke the language of love like no other and her heart had room for every Soul on Earth as her assignment was to be a Messenger of Unconditional Love!

What Anna loved the most was to be of service and see through the potential of every person she met – everyone was full of so much magic!

As the protector of the Heart chakra, she had the toughest job of them all – to help heal the wounds of those who experienced the most trauma and lead them back to Source where they could drink from the Elixir of Life and be reborn as their true authentic selves.


Miss Courage was sent to be a Teacher who leads others to higher levels of consciousness, but in the process she fell in love with self-growth and that’s how she got her Inner Glow!

Miss Courage had many names over the years, but she was rewarded the honorary title ‘Courage’ after she completed her 100th lifetime of studying – always ready to grow & expand!

As the protector of the Solar Plexus chakra, she advised her students to set the right intentions. Your words matter, but it’s your actions that make all the difference to the course of your life on Earth.


Tangerina was born for adventures. Her fiery Spirit matched well her assignment to fuel other people’s passion for creativity & innovation!

There were many things that excited Tangerina, but experiments and challenges made her journey on Earth one for the fairytales!

As the protector of the Sacral chakra, she showed people how to activate their Inner Child and create their own definition of success, so they can transform their life into a zesty, joyful experience.


Ruby was assigned to be in this world, but not of this world – she experienced the most fear, so that she can relate to the humans and help them ascend all the way up to Helios!

Sometimes we learn from books, other times from experience. Ruby received her wisdom straight from the Tree of Life – yet the lessons she learned during her time on Earth impacted her the most!

As the protector of the Root chakra, she quickly figured out how much we need a strong sense of Self in order to live an abundant life on Earth. Ruby spent her whole life helping humans fall in love with the journey – that was the big secret all along!

Together they balanced the world and helped humans activate the 7 chakras.



Everything’s energy. Time to open your energy centres!

30-Day Journal


Bring more compassion in your life with a 30-day journey to grounding your root chakra: the first energy centre in the body

30-Day Journal


Ignite your passion for life: follow the 30-day path to unblocking your sacral chakra: the second energy centre in the body

30-Day Journal


Step into the leadership seat of your life with a 30-day boost to your solar plexus chakra: the third energy centre in the body

Change your energy, change your reality!

This is a digital 30-day journal that’s easy to complete: all you need is a PDF editor and enthusiasm for change. Set intentions, track your progress and embrace your greatness!

What’s in it?

Daily question
Daily inspiration
Daily intention
Daily challenge
Monthly score


Manifest your dream life