Operation Paperclip: NASA, Mind Control, Brand Loyalty

Has NASA been using dark psychology all this time?!

Have you heard of the CIA's Operation Paperclip? How is Operation Paperclip relevant to what's going on in the world today?

Operation Paperclip was all about US & Britain getting the top minds in Nazi Germany after the Second World War – all the top scientists, developers, intelligence specialists and engineers – before the Soviets did.


Knowledge is power!

The real question is...

Did the Second World War ever end?

Or did it transform into:

  • intellectual warfare (fake news)

  • psychological warfare (dark psychology)

  • mental warfare (media control = mind control)

  • emotional warfare (childhood trauma)

  • spiritual warfare (complete disconnect from our Higher Selves)

Operation Paperclip started with the Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun shaping the American space program... and it's transformed into fashion brands producing NASA T-shirts and hoodies every single season.


If you know anything about branding, then you know that wearing branded merchandise creates brand loyalty ❤️

But what happens when you're loyal to a brand that you have no idea about what they're doing behind the scenes?

You blindly follow the leaders who are not being upfront about their agenda...

What you're seeing on the news is part of the conditioning.

And the breaking news around climate change are part of the agenda!

Time to do your own research ✍🏻 Truth is stranger than fiction!


There are many videos on YouTube looking to the Operation Paperclip in more detail, but I found this video to be particularly useful:

If you want to win a war, you have to be able to understand how dark psychology works.

Why do you think they had psychologists and therapists utilised during the Second World War?

It most certainly wasn’t for therapy!

If they cared about the people’s wellbeing, there wouldn’t be wars in the first place.

Psychology was used as the science to understand how far you can push a human being before they collapse: how much you can play with one’s mind before they are brainwashed beyond the point of a “normal” thinking being. Hence, the beginning of mind control that would later be known as MK Ultra (media control) and Monarch Programming (childhood trauma), among many other CIA projects.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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